I'm pretty certain that my diff took a crap last night. Anyone Up here have a spare? Also need a Driver Right side front axle. The axle can be worn as I plan on rebuilding.
Which diff. do you need? And what is wrong with your current axle? Can it not be rebuilt? There was a group buy a while back from Modena. Here's the link to the thread:
Can anyone help me out with this?
Anyone else? Shop from Kajiji says the axles are spoken for.
Which diff. do you need? And what is wrong with your current axle? Can it not be rebuilt? There was a group buy a while back from Modena. Here's the link to the thread:
And here's another one regarding CV Rebuild:
Other than that you're looking at a Nissan order, half-cut, or ebay.
I need the rear diff.
I currently do not have an axle. I plan on rebuilding whichever one I get.