I know we're a small forum but we've quadrupled in membership since I joined. I've noticed (and I'm sure I am just as guilty) that there have been some arguments in the the For sale forum on price and details of articles for sale. So I would suggest some rules I have found work well on other forums:
Before you post a For Sale thread:
- Make an introduction and let us know who you are (in part covered by the Verified user function )
- Have a few posts (20?)
- Information required:
- Item for sale
- Location of Item
- Asking price
- Shipping Price
- Basic Item condition or a picture or both
- NO haggling or flaming on Price condition ect. If you don't agree with a price make offers over PM's.
- If there's a discrepancy in the details tactfully ask a question or pm the seller.
Remember the more we as a group de-value our cars and parts to save money the more money we all lose.
Maybe we don't need this but If you could all just chime in some ideas that would be great.
Sounds pretty reasonable.
Sounds good to me.
2011 Canadian FIA Autoslalom Street Modified Class National Champion
Heck no, let chaos reign! LOL jk
GTi-R, the best ugliest car I've EVER seen/driven. You can make it cool, you can make it fast but you CAN'T make it look pretty.
Updated and stickied. Thanks!